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How to install XenServer 6 + RAID1 remotely

tags: XenServer, RAID1, unattended 2012-02-15 15:25 by lwi

Recently we decided to switch the ISP and therefore a new server needed to be set up. Since Xen runs great we figured to stick with it. Unfortunately not many Linux distributions support Xen so we ended up with [XenServer Free](http://www.citrix.com/lang/English/lp/lp_1688615.asp">XenServer Free) from Citrix.

Our new ISP of course does not offer an automated installation for XenServer but quite a lot of other options (even an outdated OpenBSD). The first approach to sneak in XenServer was by installing some random Linux distribution, mounting the second hard drive and using KVM to install it there. Afterwards a chainloader entry in Grub would save the day. At least in theory since it failed in practise. With all hope lost on that approach surfing the web to look for suitable solutions seemed the right way to continue in this endeavour.

Luckily someone had the exact the same problem and came up with a clever solution (german): Launching the unattended installer via Grub. Infact it worked like a charm.

Debian: Japanese (にほんご) support

tags: debian, input, latex, japanese 2011-11-15 01:11 by sre

I’m currently participate in a Japanese course at my university. Therefore I want to be able to input Japanese characters on my notebook.

To do this it’s enough to simply install the package ibus-anthy, ibus-gtk and ibus-gtk3. Afterwards you can switch between normal input mode and japanese input mode via the keystroke combination CTRL+Space.

But I’m a vim user and found it anoying to remember leaving the Japanese mode before leaving the Edit mode (otherwise vim’s Normal mode won’t work correctly). I want vim to take care of that for me, so I added a small function to my vimrc:

" source: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/fuenor/20110705/1309866529
au InsertLeave * call PyIBusDisable()

function! PyIBusDisable()
python << EOF
import ibus
bus = ibus.Bus()
ic = ibus.InputContext(bus, bus.current_input_contxt())
Last but not least I want LaTeX support. For this two more packages are needed: latex-cjk-japanese and latex-cjk-japanese-wadalab. After installing the packages there’s an UTF-8 example file showing how it works in /usr/share/doc/latex-cjk-common/examples/CJKutf8.tex.gz.

If you hit any errors it may help to remove ~/.texmf-var. Check Debian Bug #406701 to get more details.

convergence notary

tags: convergence, security, ssl 2011-09-07 20:35 by lhw

ring0.de is now hosting a convergence notary on notary.ring0.de You can find the corresponding notary file here

For more information on convergence watch the talk on ssl and authenticity on youtube and visit the website of convergence

Update (2015-12-28)

The ring0 notary is defunct.

google summer of code 2011

tags: gsoc 2011-04-01 00:00 by sre

The list of accapted projects for google summer of code 2011 has been released! Like last year, I will release the list of projects, which caught my eye:

N900 Debian Kernel

tags: n900, linux, kernel, debian, uboot 2010-11-22 22:45 by sre

After lots’s of tries and help from different people I got my own kernel running on the N900, which is based on the Debian kernel package. So far it just offers basic features (e.g. framebuffer, keyboard) and is missing some important ones (e.g. touchscreen).

To test it on your phone you need to do have Debian installed on an µSD card, install uboot on the N900 (as described in Debian on N900: U-Boot) and install the kernel package.

You can fetch the package from http://pkg-n900.alioth.debian.org. I also uploaded the kernel config next to the package, so that you can check if a specific feature is enabled.

I will ask for inclusion into the official package now.