After lots’s of tries and help from different people I got my own kernel running on the N900, which is based on the Debian kernel package. So far it just offers basic features (e.g. framebuffer, keyboard) and is missing some important ones (e.g. touchscreen).
To test it on your phone you need to do have Debian installed on an µSD card, install uboot on the N900 (as described in Debian on N900: U-Boot) and install the kernel package.
You can fetch the package from I also uploaded the kernel config next to the package, so that you can check if a specific feature is enabled.
I will ask for inclusion into the official package now.
After some time writing the phonet dissector for wireshark in lua I noticed the disadvantages:
So I tried the C interface. I found the basic structure for plugins pretty fast in their documentation and thought about some design changes in the plugin:
In the last days I finally got some bits out of the Nokia N900’s modem on Debian without any properitary tools. For now it’s just the following information:
manufacturer: "Nokia"
model: "Nokia N900"
revision: "V ICPR82_10w08 25-02-10 RX-51 (c) Nokia"
But the most difficult part is probably done. My next plan was to get the modem connect to a mobile network, which requires an unlocked SIM card. Unfortunately ofono does not yet support SIM cards with PINs. Thus I had to find another way to get out how to perform this task.
First of all the Debian on N900 page moved to Now about the recent changes:
As I promised in my last post I improved Debian support. The changes since initial Debian support are:
In short: All kernel related stuff is solved. Remaining issues are